Postpartum depression

February 5, 2022 admin 0

So, you have become a mother. The enthusiasm of relatives has died down, the flowers with which the happy dad met you from the hospital have long wilted. Harsh weekdays began, filled to the last …Read more

Diagnosis of Appetite Disorders

February 5, 2022 admin 0

  The identification and evaluation of loss of appetite is hampered by the fact that there are no specific criteria that allow us to consider the need for food intake as an unambiguous sign of …Read more

Reasons for lack of appetite

February 5, 2022 admin 0

  Appetite – the need to eat, gradually turning into a feeling of hunger. Despite the banality of this definition, behind it lies the most complex mechanism responsible for the regulation of the energy balance …Read more

Consequences of bulimia

February 5, 2022 admin 0

  In bulimia, eating disorders, frequent vomiting, laxatives and diuretics can cause a range of health problems². Diseases of the oral cavity: enamel erosion due to the high acidity of the vomit; bad breath; ulcers …Read more

Bulimia Symptoms

February 5, 2022 admin 0

  Bulimia can present in many ways, but the disorder almost always involves episodes of binge eating followed by “purging” through vomiting, laxatives, or other means. At the same time, a person constantly thinks about …Read more

Treatment of Asperger’s Syndrome

February 5, 2022 admin 0

There is currently no cure for Asperger’s, but some therapies can relieve symptoms, make adjustments easier, and help the person with the disorder interact better with society. To do this, it is important to receive …Read more

Signs of Asperger’s Syndrome in Adults

February 5, 2022 admin 0

The symptoms associated with Asperger’s Syndrome can persist throughout life. In adults, several signs may indicate the presence of the disease: specific manner of speaking. Sometimes this is an unusual timbre of voice or lack …Read more

Symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome

February 5, 2022 admin 0

Asperger’s syndrome manifests differently in different people, usually with a combination of several symptoms at once. There are several key features¹: Difficulties with non-verbal communication, for example, when talking, it is difficult to look the …Read more

Treatment of schizophrenia

February 5, 2022 admin 0

Schizophrenia can be treated, but not completely cured. Existing methods of treating schizophrenia help to get rid of the manifestations of the disease or reduce them; today, many patients with schizophrenia can lead a normal …Read more


February 5, 2022 admin 0

Schizophrenia is a common mental illness. However, not everyone knows that with the right treatment, a person can remain able to work. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that has a long course and is accompanied …Read more