Treatment of Asperger’s Syndrome

There is currently no cure for Asperger’s, but some therapies can relieve symptoms, make adjustments easier, and help the person with the disorder interact better with society. To do this, it is important to receive support from the attending psychiatrist and psychologist, learn social skills and communication. If other disorders develop additionally, the doctor may prescribe medication. It can be antipsychotic, anti-anxiety, sedative, sleeping pills and other drugs. Drug therapy is not the main way to treat the disease. The main way to control its course is through psychosocial supportĀ².

What can help an adult with Asperger’s Syndrome?
Information. It is important to accept your own diagnosis, to learn as much as possible about it, to understand exactly how and in what situations it has an impact.
Independence. You need to gradually develop the skills of independent living. In this, you can use the desire for planning and control.
Education. By studying the norms of social behavior, training communication and social skills, you can gradually learn to communicate.
Warning. You can use planning to avoid obviously uncomfortable situations (staying in noisy places, congestion of a large number of people).
Career guidance. Narrow interests can become a profession. Often a strong concentration on them, the desire to follow the rules, follow the instructions allows you to achieve great success professionally.
If Asperger’s Syndrome is diagnosed in childhood, parental support as well as social adjustment is of great importance. To help a child with this disorder, you need:

Maintain a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family. It is especially important for parents to take care of their emotional state. It affects the child, and irritability, tension, fatigue can increase his anxiety and sensory sensitivity.
Let the child be an individual. Overprotection will not allow the potential of the child to be revealed. It is important that he was able to acquire self-service skills, to acquire independence. This requires gradual learning. You can plan it together with a doctor or teacher.
Develop strengths. The child may concentrate strongly on certain activities. For example, he can constantly draw or study everything on a topic of his choice. It is important to support such interests, to treat them with respect, to develop them. Any of them in the future can become the basis of the profession.
Make socialization comfortable. It shouldn’t be violent. It is important that the child learns to communicate in the mode that suits him. At the same time, he must know that his parents support him. To do this, you need to calmly and in detail explain the rules of behavior in a team, communication with other children, dialogue, maintaining friendship. It is difficult for a child with Asperger’s syndrome to adapt in a children’s team, and the help of parents is especially important for him.
Take into account sensory features. In this disorder, perception is altered so that any sounds may be very loud, colors or lights may be too bright, and tactile sensations may be annoying. Parents need to find out what sensory features the child has and, if possible, limit the effect of those factors that interfere with him, alleviating his condition.
Feast of Asperger’s Syndrome is especially important to develop the strengths of the individual.
Important! Children should not be scolded or physically punished for having Asperger’s Syndrome If he has a breakdown, it is important to protect him from the action of provoking factors. You need to find ways to help with a breakdown, for example, proper breathing sometimes helps, or just resting in a quiet, safe space. If the child is stimming (makes repetitive movements for self-soothing or concentration), do not prevent him from doing this.